
Models from the fields of technology, architecture and fortress construction enjoyed increasing popularity in the early modern period. The masterfully crafted pieces served to make complex ideas understandable. For this reason, some models were used early on for educational purposes.

An extensive collection of models was also created at the Royal Paedagogium School in Halle. The models were used to teach basic knowledge of maths, natural study, economics and technology.

Willem Janszoon Blaeu: Copernican Tellurium

The rare Copernican tellurium by Willem Janszoon Blaeu (1571-1638) from 1634 is a masterpiece of astronomy. Driven by a complex clockwork mechanism, it impressively shows the movements of the earth around the sun. This historical artefact illustrates the course of the year and the formation of the seasons in a fascinating way and invites you to discover the secrets of the universe.

Foto eines Modells der Planeten

Copernican tellurium by Willem Janszoon Blaeu with spring-driven movement with verge escapement and pendulum. 1634 Bautzen, Museum Bautzen, Gersdorff Weicha’sche Stiftung: L61

Christopher Polhem: Mechanical Alphabet

The many wooden models of simple gears by the Swedish engineer Christopher Polhem (1661-1751) are an early example of how complex knowledge can be conveyed. Polhem's models together formed a so-called mechanical alphabet. This model is driven by a crank and illustrates the transformation of a continuous rotary motion into a short, regularly repeating up and down motion using a roller and pins.

Erhard Weigel: Heraldic celestial globe

The maths professor Erhard Weigel (1625-1699) invented and built teaching aids for the classroom. The heraldic celestial globe shown here does not depict the classical constellations from Greek antiquity, but the coats of arms of the most important ruling houses of Europe around 1700.

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz: Calculating machine

Die Rechenmaschine von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) markiert einen Meilenstein in der Geschichte der Informationstechnologie. Leibniz, bekannt für seine vielfältigen Beiträge zur Wissenschaft, entwickelte 1673 eine Rechenmaschine mit Staffelwalze für die vier Grundrechenarten. Als auswärtiges Mitglied der Londoner Royal Society präsentierte er seine Erfindung, die zur verbesserten Entwässerung von Bergwerken beitragen sollte. Sein weiterentwickeltes binäres Zahlensystem legte den Grundstein für die moderne Informationstechnologie.

As much as possible, everything that is demonstrated [...] should be demonstrated in the presence of the object.

Christoph Semler

Non-portrait of the pedagogue Christoph Semler

We don't know exactly what Christoph Semler looked like. What we do know, however: On 4 October 1707, he opened the first secondary school in Germany in Halle. It was specially designed for poorer boys who were to be prepared for an apprenticeship in a trade during their elementary school years. The lessons focussed on technical understanding and the doctrine of God's creation. To this end, Semler gradually amassed a collection of teaching models and illustrative objects that he had made or purchased himself. August Hermann Francke

Some of these fascinating models are still on permanent display in the Francke Foundations' Art and Natural History Collection. Even though Semler had to close the school after just three and a half years due to a lack of financial support, his visionary school went down in the history of education.

This dodecahedron with ten different sundials is a masterpiece of art and science. Such mathematically sophisticated objects have united different types of sundials since the 16th century and were not only practical timepieces but also coveted works of art. Their correct use was even taught at Semler's secondary school and at Francke's Royal Paedagogium School.

Wooden Model of a Horse

This model of a horse from the Francke Cabinet of Artefacts and Natural Curiosities was also used as a teaching aid in the 18th century. It was used to illustrate different horse breeds, care practices and the harness. The model offers the opportunity to explore historical aspects of horse keeping and to develop a deeper understanding of the work of various historical professional groups.

The figure of the High Priest is the last intact relic of Solomon's Temple model, which August Hermann Francke had built for the Royal Pedagogium. The High Priest was responsible for overseeing the sanctuary, the service and the priesthood, and once a year he was allowed to enter the Holy of Holies of the temple on Yom Kippur to receive God's forgiveness on behalf of the people.

August Hermann Francke and Christoph Semler oversaw the construction of the Solomon's Temple model for the Royal College of Education. Francke initiated the project, while Semler supervised its realisation. During the remodelling of the Kunst- und Naturalienkammer in the 19th century, the temple model and three other biblical models were removed and destroyed. These models, including the Ark of the Covenant and the table of showbread, were made on a larger scale in order to adequately depict all the details, in particular the ritual clothing of the high priest.


The founding privilege of 1698 allowed the orphanage to operate its own print shop. To illustrate the technical processes involved in printing, models were also used in the preparation and follow-up work by pupils. With this model of a printing press, you can print paper yourself in a few simple steps.

You can approach the printing press in a different and playful way in the game »Voices of Things«. Doro the printing press has lost her memory and is talking all sorts of nonsense. Help Tayé, the crocodile from the Wunderkammer, so that she can regain her memory and remember every single letter that has ever been printed with her. Become a guardian and save the »Voices of things«.

The half-timbered house model was used to explain the construction of a half-timbered house, the material science of wood and insights into the carpentry trade. Originally a masterpiece by a master carpenter or joiner, it may have been purchased cheaply or donated for teaching purposes. Masterpieces in the form of models were used as early as the 17th century in the training of journeymen to illustrate technical solutions to problems. The date 1658/59 above the entrance to the house could indicate the time of manufacture.

Chapter selection

Innenansicht eines Modells eines Fachwerkhauses




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